The Her Story Project: Kari’s Story • The Pregnancy Network

The Her Story Project: Kari’s Story

The Her Story Project offers a place of inclusion and solidarity among women who have walked through an unplanned pregnancy. Sometimes when we go through tough times in our lives, it’s easy to feel isolated. The Her Story Project is one avenue to remind women that they are not alone. 

Kari came to The Pregnancy Network unsure about her future and her next steps, but found, “Hope for me, for the future, for my son, for myself and for my daughter.” 

Kari’s Story: Finding Hope

My name is Kari, I’m 28 and I’m a hairstylist. I found I was pregnant a week after the baby’s father and I decided not to be together anymore. The day after I found out I was pregnant, I had a guest in my chair, and I was doing her hair and I told her my situation. And she prayed with me, and told me just to give her some time and she had some resources that she was going to get figured out for me. I think there were just a lot of emotions with the breakup, and then finding out I was pregnant, and thinking that I have to do it by myself. 

Abortion was never something that I would ever have imagined myself doing. I don’t believe in them. So me having to make that decision was weighing really heavy on my heart, because I never thought I would be in a position that would be a decision that I would have to make. I was too afraid to financially take care of a kid by myself. So I felt like abortion was the only answer. I went to the break room and got my phone and made an appointment to get an abortion. After I hung up the phone from making the abortion appointment I cried. 

While I was making the appointment for the abortion, my guest was inside getting resources so when I came back in she told me that there was an availability at The Pregnancy Network, so I called and there was an appointment available the next day. 

My best friend had to drive me to my appointment because I had a panic attack the whole way there. In the parking lot, I was just nervous. But, when I got in everyone was welcoming and warm. We went in, filled out the paperwork, and met with a peer advocate, Hailey. We went over the options, and I took a pregnancy test and talked about what decision I had made already. 

After the pregnancy test, and after the pregnancy was confirmed, we did an ultrasound. Everyone was in the room for the ultrasound – my guest and my best friend. And you kind of change things, you kind of see it on the screen and you see this tiny little flitter on the screen, knowing that something is being created.

After I finished my ultrasound appointment, and after Hailey prayed for us we left. On the way out, my guest was like, “So, you’re going to cancel your appointment, right?” And I was like, “Yeah, I can’t go through with it.”

My son has definitely been a huge blessing. He brings so much joy, and I look at him and I think, I couldn’t picture life without him, let alone picture me getting rid of him. 

That day The Pregnancy Network provided hope. Provided hope for me, for the future, for my son, for myself and for my daughter. Knowing that, I can tell someone going through my situation that there is this place that – you’re not the only one that’s gone through this, and you’re not the only one who’s going to go through this. And there’s people that are going to support you, and give you options, and help you through whatever situation you may be going through. 

Share Your Story

Kari found hope knowing that she wasn’t alone. We hope that hearing her story gives you some encouragement that you too, have the power to walk fearlessly through an unplanned pregnancy. 

No matter what you’ve been through, we want to hear and share your story. By sharing your story with others, you can help empower women to face their unplanned pregnancies without fear and grow toward healing. Sharing your story could help another woman facing the same season feel seen and understood. 

If you’re interested in sharing your story, click here to fill out a submission form.

Picture of Emily Greene

Emily Greene

Emily Greene is the Communications Coordinator at The Pregnancy Network.