3 Ways Volunteering at The Pregnancy Network is Risky

3 Ways Volunteering at The Pregnancy Network is Risky

Risky is defined as “having the possibility of failure, danger, or loss.”

Volunteering at The Pregnancy Network is risky. 

Quite the volunteer recruitment strategy, right?

Come Volunteer at The Pregnancy Network and experience failure, danger, and loss like you never have before! 

There’s a reason I’m not a recruiter.

But let’s be honest—diving headfirst into something new and unknown without counting the cost can be a mistake. At TPN, it’s important to us that the women we serve be equipped to make a fully-informed decision. 

We want the same to be true for our volunteers.

So does volunteering at TPN truly have the possibility of “failure, danger, or loss”? We’ll let you decide. Check out these three potential risks of volunteering at TPN. 

Risk #1: You might get uncomfortable

Serving people is a messy business, and nowhere is that clearer than within the walls of a pregnancy center. It’s one thing to check a “pro-life” box or nod emphatically during a sanctity of human life sermon; it’s another thing to lock eyes with a woman who’s just received life-changing news in the form of two bright pink lines on a pregnancy test. 

Women and men in your community are lonely and hurting. The world is spoon-feeding women the lie that they can’t overcome the obstacle of pregnancy. The lie is so convincing that many women won’t believe you when you tell them otherwise. They may disagree with you, get angry with you, or reject you. It could be uncomfortable. 

Is that a risk you’re willing to take?

Risk #2: You might learn too much

I was 21 and fresh out of college when I walked into The Pregnancy Network (then known as Greensboro Pregnancy Care Center) for the first time as a volunteer. If I’m honest, I’ve had moments where I wish I could go back and tell that bright-eyed girl to save herself a decade of heartache and just walk away. 

In the last ten years, I’ve heard terrible, heartbreaking stories. I’ve experienced anger, sadness, frustration, and confusion. I’ve cried over the destruction of life, the devaluing of women, and the deception of abortion. 

Sometimes I wish I didn’t know what I know. 

William Wilberforce said about slavery, “You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again that you did not know.”

If you’re reading this article, chances are you’re already aware of the challenges and decisions women in unplanned pregnancies are facing. If you join us as a volunteer, you’re bound to learn and experience even more things that will break your heart and move you to action.

Is that a risk you’re willing to take?

Risk #3: You might put a target on your back

There are many people who hate what we do at The Pregnancy Network. 

Read that again. 

I’ve had complete strangers get upset with me and say hateful things toward me because of where I work and what I believe. Some of our volunteers on the frontlines have been slandered and mistreated because of their boldness. If you’re looking for a morally neutral place to volunteer, then The Pregnancy Network is probably not the best fit. Serving here may cause awkwardness or even hostility with friends or family. Some might have a hard time understanding where you’re coming from. Some might respond to you with aggression or silence. 

Is that a risk you’re willing to take?

The Reward of Risk

In the last ten years, I’ve gotten uncomfortable. I’ve learned too much. And I’ve placed a target on my back that seems to get bigger with every word I write. 

But you know what? I’ve also held newborn babies in my arms while their proud, confident moms beamed with pride. I’ve seen mothers graduate, fathers lead, and families grow. I’ve seen women heal from past hurts and use their experiences to help others heal. 

I’ve seen women choose life—life for their unborn children, and life eternally with Christ. 

And none of those things happened by playing it safe.

None of those things happened without a considerable amount of white-knuckled risk. 

So back to the original question: does volunteering at TPN carry the possibility of “failure, danger, or loss”?


But you know what else could result in failure, danger, or loss?

Not doing anything at all.

Take the Risk: Step Off the Sidelines

When you step off the sidelines and take the risk of volunteering, you empower women to face their unplanned pregnancies without fear. If you’re not sure where to start, we’ve got you covered. Your next steps are listed below, and you can sign up for a First Look (step 1) by clicking here

We also talked on The Empowered Advocate podcast with our Volunteer Coordinator, Allison Herrington, about the mission and vision of volunteering with TPN. You can click here to listen to the episode on your own device, or listen on the player below. 

No matter where you serve, every person makes an impact on the life of another.

You have a vital role to play in this mission.

And I promise it’s a risk worth taking.

Picture of Mary Holloman

Mary Holloman

Mary is the Communications Coordinator at The Pregnancy Network.