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Category: Pregnancy

What is an Ectopic Pregnancy - ¿Qué es un embarazo ectópico?

¿Qué es un embarazo ectópico?

El embarazo ectópico ocurre cuando el óvulo fecundado se implanta fuera del útero, en vez de adentro de las paredes del útero, de acuerdo con la clínica mayo, los embarazos ectópicos generalmente ocurren en las trompas de Falopio, las cuáles transportan los óvulos fecundados de los ovarios al útero. Esto se llama un embarazo tubárico.

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What is an Ectopic Pregnancy - ¿Qué es un embarazo ectópico?

What Is an Ectopic Pregnancy?

What is an ectopic pregnancy? An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg attaches itself somewhere outside the uterus, instead of to the uterus wall, according to The Mayo Clinic. Ectopic pregnancies typically occur in the fallopian tube, which transports eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. This is called a tubal pregnancy. Sometimes, however,

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Navigating the Second Trimester

Navegando Tu Segundo Trimestre

¡Felicidades, estás en el segundo trimestre! Este trimestre abarca desde la semana 13 hasta la 27. Muchas personas dicen que este es el período más llevadero del embarazo, ya que suelen desaparecer las náuseas y comienzan a recuperar energía. Qué Esperar en este Trimestre: Ecografía de anatomía: Alrededor de las 20 semanas, te realizarán una

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Navigating the Second Trimester

Navigating Your Second Trimester

Congratulations—you’re in the second trimester! This trimester lasts from 13-27 weeks. Many people say this is their easiest period of pregnancy, since their nausea tends to fade and they feel more energy returning.  What to Expect this Trimester: Your Body Changes:  Baby Development: The second trimester is exciting and rewarding as you start feeling a

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Crystal's Story

La Historia de Crystal

“Cuando estaba embarazada, me sentí destrozada,” compartió Crystal, una de nuestras recientes clientas. Abrumada por su embarazo, con las facturas acumulándose y en busca de empleo, Crystal enfrentó una de las etapas más difíciles de su vida. No estaba segura de poder llevar adelante el embarazo y criar a este bebé. Una amiga le recomendó

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Crystal's Story

Crystal’s Story

“When I was pregnant, I felt heartbroken,” shared Crystal, one of our recent clients. Overwhelmed by her pregnancy, with bills piling up and a job search underway, Crystal faced one of the hardest seasons of her life. She wasn’t sure she could carry and parent this baby.  A friend pointed her to The Pregnancy Network,

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PMS or Pregnancy? Understanding Early Pregnancy Symptoms

PMS or Pregnancy? Understanding Early Pregnancy Symptoms

What do bloating, irritability, and fatigue have in common? You might be thinking PMS, but these can all be early signs of pregnancy. Because they so closely mimic symptoms of your period, signs of a new pregnancy can be confusing.  A missed period isn’t the only indicator that you might be pregnant. According to Anna,

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