How to Defend the Pro-Life Position • The Pregnancy Network

How to Defend the Pro-Life Position

Engaging with others on the issue of abortion can be an intimidating task. Most everyone–whether pro-abortion or pro-life–has strong feelings about this issue, and understandably so. Is it possible to defend the pro-life position in both a loving and logical way?

We believe it is possible, and that is the issue we tackle in our most recent episode of The Empowered Advocate podcast.

Carter Mundy (Associate Executive Director of GPCC) and Mary Holloman (Communications Coordinator) discuss how to use a tool called SLED in order to make a convincing argument against abortion in a clear and concise way. You can read more about SLED on Stand to Reason’s website at

You can listen to the entire episode below. You can also follow the timestamps listed below to skip ahead to a specific topic or question discussed.

We hope this episode is helpful to you as you seek to engage others on this issue with confidence. If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to the podcast so you won’t miss any new episodes. Happy listening!