S2E5: Navigating the First Trimester • The Pregnancy Network

S2E5: Navigating the First Trimester

On our most recent episode of Pregnancy Has Entered The Chat, we were joined by one of our staff nurses, Lauren, who chatted with us about the first trimester of pregnancy. She discussed the importance of taking a prenatal vitamin for both mom and baby and how there is a common misnomer of the title, “Prenatal Vitamins” only needing to be taken during pregnancy. Lauren recommends taking a prenatal vitamin, not only during pregnancy, but also before trying to get pregnant. Taking prenatal vitams is also important after delivery, especially if you plan on breastfeeding. 

Interested in learning more about the importance of taking a prenatal vitamin? 

Check this out ➡️Benefits of Prenatal Vitamins and When to Take Them.

Lauren also shares with us why the first trimester of pregnancy is so important. There are many changes happening to both mom and baby over these first few weeks. For baby—their brain, spinal cord, and other organs are forming. For mom—her uterus is expanding and hormonal shifts are occurring. The prenatal vitamins mentioned above contain a nutrient called folic acid which aids in fetal brain development and helps to ensure baby’s growth is off to a great start while helping mom keep her nutrient levels up. 

Learn more about this critical beginning stage of pregnancy here.

The first trimester of pregnancy lasts from weeks 1-14. Although, you typically won’t see your positive pregnancy test until weeks 4-6. Some of the earliest signs of pregnancy can be:

  • Fatigue – Feeling extra sleepy or needing a nap to make it through the day. 
  • Increased urination – feeling the need to make more trips to the bathroom throughout the day and night. 
  • Nausea- feeling queasy or sick on your stomach, also known as morning sickness, even though “morning sickness” can be felt anytime throughout the day.

Hear more about when the first trimester begins and how long it lasts here.

If you’re currently walking through the season of your first trimester and have been suffering from morning sickness, there is help! Hop over and watch for some tips and tricks on managing morning sickness.

Curious to know what causes all of these first-trimester symptoms? We were too! Lauren tells us that they are likely caused by the large and frequent hormonal shifts that occur at the beginning of a pregnancy. These hormones help nourish the new fetus and prepare mom’s body to become the baby’s home for the next nine months. Watch more on that here

If you’ve just found out you’re pregnant and want to know when you’re eligible for your first ultrasound, Lauren says between 6-7 weeks is common but most practitioners prefer to wait until you’re about 8 weeks along. For more information on ultrasounds, check this out:

Finding a healthcare provider you trust is also important during your first trimester of pregnancy. Someone who you feel comfortable with and who you think will be a strong advocate for you and your baby throughout your pregnancy. Go ahead and seek out a practitioner and schedule your first appointment as soon as you find out you are pregnant. If you don’t have a doctor lined up, no worries! Here at The Pregnancy Network we offer free pregnancy testing/confirmation. If you’d like to schedule your appointment, you can visit our website for more information. We also offer local resources for local OBGYN and women’s health practitioners. 

Health insurance is another hurdle for a lot of women, especially if you’re not working, a student, or a stay-at-home parent. No worries! There is help available and Lauren points you in the right direction to the local resources available. Watch here for the full scoop. 

The first trimester of pregnancy can be a bit scary and overwhelming, especially if you weren’t planning to become pregnant. Remember, you’re not alone in this. There are resources available to you to make this as easy as possible. You do not have to walk this path alone—you’ve got this! 

To watch Lauren’s full episode please click the button below.

Picture of Emily Greene

Emily Greene

Emily Greene is the Communications and Development Coordinator at The Pregnancy Network.