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Tag: abortion

Defend pro-life position

How to Defend the Pro-Life Position

Engaging with others on the issue of abortion can be an intimidating task. Most everyone–whether pro-abortion or pro-life–has strong feelings about this issue, and understandably so. Is it possible to defend the pro-life position in both a loving and logical way? We believe it is possible, and that is the issue we tackle in our

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Infanticide, Animal Cruelty. Abortion.

Infanticide, Animal Cruelty, and How We’re Confused on Both

I was running through a mental to-do list for the day and enjoying the beautiful sunrise when the word “abortion” sliced through the silence. I cranked the volume on the radio and listened as the show host gave a brief update announcing that today (April 10, 2019) in North Carolina, a senate committee is scheduled

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Abortion Procedures and Information, appointment

Is Abortion Empowering?

This is the final post in our five part series addressing the assumptions of the Shout Your Abortion movement. If you missed our previous articles (Should Women Shout Their Abortions?, Is Abortion Freedom?, Is Abortion Normal?, and Abortion is Good, Because I am Good), then you can check those out by clicking on each title.

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abortion is good

Abortion is Good, Because I Am a Good Person

This is the fourth part in a five part series that will address the primary assumptions within the Shout Your Abortion movement. If you missed our previous three articles (Should Women Shout Their Abortions?, Is Abortion Freedom?, and Is Abortion Normal?), I’d encourage you to stop now and read each of them first. This week, I’ll be

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Is Abortion Normal

Is Abortion Normal?

This is the third part in a five part series that will address the primary assumptions within the Shout Your Abortion movement. If you missed our previous two articles, Should Women Shout Their Abortions? and Is Abortion Freedom?, I’d encourage you to stop now and read both of them first. This week, I’ll be exploring the second

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Is Abortion Freedom?

Is Abortion Freedom?

This is the second part in a five part series that will address the primary assumptions within the Shout Your Abortion movement. If you missed our first article, Should Women Shout Their Abortions?, I’d encourage you to stop now and read it first. This week, I’ll be exploring the first assumption of Shout Your Abortion:

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Should Women shout their abortions?

Should Women Shout Their Abortions?

In 2015, a movement began when a woman decided to post on Facebook that she’d had an abortion, and she didn’t regret it. This post went viral, and the hashtag #ShoutYourAbortion was born. Women from all over the world came forward to share, not only their personal experiences with abortion, but also the fact that

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The Fear of an Unplanned Pregnancy

The Fear of Unplanned Pregnancy

Kaitlyn’s Story I spent all of high school and a portion of my college experience being sexually active. At the age of 16, I had my first pregnancy scare. In that moment, any beliefs I may have held about abortion flew out the window. The fear, shame, and desperation that washed over me made me

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