pregnancy Archives • The Pregnancy Network

Tag: pregnancy

Her Story: Kari's Story

The Her Story Project: Kari’s Story

The Her Story Project offers a place of inclusion and solidarity among women who have walked through an unplanned pregnancy. Sometimes when we go through tough times in our lives, it’s easy to feel isolated. The Her Story Project is one avenue to remind women that they are not alone.  Kari came to The Pregnancy

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Navigating the First Trimester

10 consejos para llevar el primer trimestre

Náuseas matutinas, fatiga extrema y repudio a las comidas. ¿Son estas las cosas destinadas para nuestra nueva realidad en el primer trimestre? Por dicha, la respuesta es no. El primer trimestre puede ser un poco abrumador y puede haber un poco de temor. Muchos cambios están sucediendo en el cuerpo en muy poco tiempo. Sigue

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Navigating the First Trimester

10 Tips for Navigating the First Trimester

Morning sickness, extreme fatigue, and food aversions. Are these destined to be our new realities during the first trimester of pregnancy? Thankfully, the short answer is no. The first trimester of any pregnancy can be overwhelming and a bit scary. There are many changes happening within our bodies in a short amount of time. Keep

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Car Seat Safety

Five Things You Should Know About Car Seat Safety

You’ve almost arrived at the end of your pregnancy, and you’re anxiously waiting to bring your baby home. The nursery is ready, all of your newborn’s clothes are washed, and you’ve sanitized the bottles and pacifiers. There’s one last thing to tackle: the car seat. Whether you already have a car seat picked out or

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Budgeting for Baby Items: What You Need and What You Can Skip

If you’re pregnant, you’re likely being targeted with some of the world’s best marketing: marketing toward new moms. Baby companies know you desire to be the best, most prepared mom you can be, and they can play off that desire and cause you to make purchases you may not need.  We searched online, asked our

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Community Resources

S2E3: Navigating Community Resources Together

Olivia Charnetzky is the Case Manager and Client Services Coordinator at The Pregnancy Network. She’s been with us for two years and recently piloted our case management services. This month, she joins host Chloe Belk on Pregnancy Has Entered the Chat to discuss Navigating Community Resources Together.  Olivia’s passion for serving women translates into providing

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empowered in parenting

S2E2: Becoming Empowered in Your Parenting

Leslie Wright first came to The Pregnancy Network during her pregnancy. Today she serves as a volunteer, teaching our free classes. This month, she joins host Chloe Belk on Pregnancy Has Entered the Chat to discuss Becoming Empowered in Your Parenting. Because she’s been on both sides of our services, she has a unique and

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