The Fear of Unplanned Pregnancy • The Pregnancy Network

The Fear of Unplanned Pregnancy

Kaitlyn’s Story

I spent all of high school and a portion of my college experience being sexually active. At the age of 16, I had my first pregnancy scare. In that moment, any beliefs I may have held about abortion flew out the window.

The fear, shame, and desperation that washed over me made me believe that I truly had no options other than abortion. I went online and looked up the laws for abortion in North Carolina and was angry when I learned that I couldn’t legally get an abortion without parental consent.

[click_to_tweet tweet=”‘The fear, shame, and desperation that washed over me made me believe that I truly had no options other than abortion.’ #abortionalternatives #unplannedpregnancy #loveboth #lovetheunborn” quote=”The fear, shame, and desperation that washed over me made me believe that I truly had no options other than abortion.”]

I wanted to make the problem go away without anyone knowing. I wanted no consequences and no memories of this all-consuming fear. I assumed no one would support me—so the natural choice had to be abortion.

I’m so grateful that I was not pregnant, because I know for a fact that if I had been, I would have had an abortion. My experience has given me a passion for speaking the truth about abortion, but it has also allowed me to empathize with mothers who are facing this decision. I know firsthand the fear and shame that come with the prospect of an unplanned pregnancy.

Even after I had the pregnancy scare, I didn’t change my lifestyle. True life change finally came when I found Jesus Christ. Surrendering my life to him and allowing Him to change my heart is the only reason I can say today, with confidence, that I am free from the bonds of the way I used to live.

There are many women facing this decision who need someone in their life to tell them, in love, that there is another way. These mothers not only need support, they need Jesus. The issue of abortion isn’t just “another” issue, it’s a gospel issue. And God is calling us to stand up and speak out for the babies, for the mothers, for the fathers, and ultimately for his Kingdom and his glory.

A Call to Action

There are many women like Kaitlyn all throughout Greensboro who are staring at a positive pregnancy test or fearful that they may be pregnant. In those fearful moments, worlds stop and hearts drop. Our desire is to provide the compassionate care that these women and men so desperately need—to come alongside them and reassure them that they do have options. That they are loved.

We also desire to mobilize others to intercede for and serve women and men in unplanned pregnancy. One simple and practical way you can do this is by attending the Love Life Prayer Walk this Saturday, November 17, from 9 am-11 am.

Love Life is calling for 10,000 people between three cities (Greensboro, Raleigh, and Charlotte) to gather in front of each city’s abortion center for prayer. If you’ve never been to our abortion center or experienced one of these prayer walks, we’d love to see you there.

God is doing great things through the prayers of his people, and this is the first step toward making a difference in the lives of others, and in our own hearts, as well. You can RSVP at the Love Life FB Event page by clicking here.