Your information is safe with us. • The Pregnancy Network

Your information is safe with us.

The Pregnancy Network has served women in the Triad with compassionate, confidential care since 1985. It is our mission to see women move from undecided to equipped and empowered in their pregnancies. We do this by providing free medical services, education and resources, and an opportunity to find community through the Connect program

What does it mean that we’re HIPAA compliant?

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, or HIPAA, ensures the protection of sensitive patient health information from being disclosed without knowledge or consent. The Pregnancy Network is an independent organization; therefore, we are not required to adhere to HIPAA standards by law. However, we gladly adhere to HIPPA standards to protect our clients’ sensitive information throughout their pregnancies and beyond.

Hear From Our Staff

“The quality and confidentiality of our client’s care has always been our top priority. We want the women we serve to feel cared for, safe, and protected from the moment they step through our doors through the course of our relationship with them. We follow HIPAA guidelines not because we have to, but because it’s in the best interest of our clients.”

"Across our organization, we value our client’s privacy. Information is not shared internally without necessity, and it is not released externally without a woman’s knowledge and permission. Our clients trust us with their stories, and we want to respect their privacy.”

We’re here for you.

We stand ready to provide you with resources and support to empower you to face your unplanned pregnancy without fear. Message us on Facebook with further questions about client confidentiality or click here to learn more about our services.

Picture of Chloe Belk

Chloe Belk

Chloe is the Communications Coordinator at The Pregnancy Network.