Your Choices
You have three choices available to you when faced with an unplanned pregnancy: parenting, adoption, and abortion. Take a look at each option below. Click the button underneath each to read more about each option.

Parenting may seem overwhelming, depending on your situation. But we’re here to walk with you through your journey. We provide a free class on parenting, free maternity and baby items to qualifying candidates, and recommendations for other community resources in order for you to have everything you need to become a successful parent. Click the button below for more resources.

A lot of women don’t like the idea of placing their child for adoption. But this is a very good choice for you and your baby if you don’t have the means or ability to take care of him or her. It is the life-giving alternative to abortion. You can choose the level of privacy regarding the adoption (open or closed), and you can choose who is going to adopt your child. This is not the same as your child going into the foster system. The two primary agencies we communicate with are Christian Adoption Services and Lifeline Children’s Services. We’re here to help you understand all aspects of adoption. We’ll even set you up to meet adoption agencies at no cost to you. Don’t count this choice out. Click below for more on adoption.

This is quickly becoming a common choice for women who find themselves in an unwanted pregnancy. Abortion has lasting effects, however, and must be considered carefully. Because we are concerned for your well-being, we do not perform or refer for abortions, or affirm decisions to abort. However, we would love to talk with you about abortion, empowering you to make an informed choice. You owe it to yourself to get all the information about abortion procedures and risks before you make a decision. Click below for more on abortion.