Walk for Life: A Great Impact • The Pregnancy Network

Walk for Life: A Great Impact

I had the privilege of partnering with my daughter’s school during “Serve Day” this week.  Each year the students come together to serve more than 20 nonprofit organizations. It was a joy to see my daughter and her classmates serve others, including the Care Center.  

The tasks assigned were simple but the impact was great.  It was love in action. Those kindergartners do not understand the heavy subject of abortion, but what they do understand is that women who are scared go to the Care Center, receive practical help, and hear the gospel.  The responses I heard that day from children as young as five went something like this: “That place must be so cool!” and “I feel happy that those mommies aren’t scared anymore!”

The Care Center is a very effective ministry for our local churches, Christian schools, and Christian organizations to partner with to fight abortion in this area.  As we look into the future, we understand that there are women throughout the Triad outside of Greensboro (specifically High Point and Kernersville) who are in crisis situations and need free medical services and—most importantly—need to know the love of Christ.  

A goal that we have set over the next few months is to bring our Mobile Unit out into these areas of the Triad.  We want to expand our services to reach more women and save more lives. The good news is that you get to do this with us!  When you partner with us, you help fuel our mission. With your help, we can make this goal a reality.

As you continue raising money and asking for donations from friends and family members, I will tell you exactly what I told the children at my daughter’s school: Your task may seem, but your impact is great!  Through each and every donation that you give or that partners give to your team, the lives of mothers and their unborn children are impacted.  You are a part of life-saving work!

So keep up the good work, let’s finish strong, and we will see you next Saturday at the Walk for Life! We can’t wait!

[clickToTweet tweet=”Your task may seem small, but your impact is great!” quote=”Your task may seem small, but your impact is great!”]

Priscilla Martin is the Advancement Director for GPCC. When she’s not at the Care Center, she’s hanging out with her two kids and husband, serving at her local church, Lawndale Baptist, or lying awake at night thinking about furthering the mission of GPCC.