Ashlynn's Abortion Story • The Pregnancy Network

Ashlynn’s Abortion Story

“I think when people talk about abortion they think that it’s an easy fix, but for me, it was so far from that.”

When faced with an unplanned pregnancy, it may seem like abortion is the “easiest” option. After all, it’s the only choice that allows you to not be pregnant anymore. Once the pregnancy is gone, life can go back to normal…right?

Ashlynn thought so, too. She never expected her abortion experiences to affect her so deeply for so many years.

But they did.

“All of those things, for years probably, flashed back. [The abortion] was supposed to be done and over with and I was supposed to get on with my life. I think it took several years for me to come out of that fog.”

If you are considering abortion or know someone who is considering abortion, we encourage you to watch Ashlynn’s story by clicking below. She shares about her two abortions and the impact they have had on her life. She also shares about the healing she has found through Jesus, and provides some encouraging words for anyone who is facing an unplanned pregnancy.

“We’ve all made mistakes,” says Ashlynn, “but fortunately we are not defined by those mistakes. We can be forgiven, and we can find healing through Christ.”

Watch all of Ashlynn’s story below. If you are pregnant and would like to consider all of your options, please call us for a free appointment at 336-274-4881. We would love to walk alongside of you and empower you with everything you need to make a fully informed decision.