Luke Rosenberger, Author at The Pregnancy Network

Author: Luke Rosenberger

What Is an IBCLC and When Should I Seek Lactation Support?

What is an IBCLC and When Should I Seek Lactation Support?

If you’re experiencing challenges with breastfeeding, you don’t need to suffer and wait for your situation to improve. Meeting with an IBCLC can save you months of pain and frustration for you and your baby.  What is an IBCLC? IBCLC stands for International Board Certified Lactation Consultant. According to the Lactation Network an IBCLC is

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gestational diabetes

¿Qué es una diabetes gestacional?

¿Qué es una diabetes gestacional? La diabetes gestacional es una diabetes diagnosticada durante el embarazo de acuerdo con la Clínica de Cleveland. La diabetes gestacional (GD) ocurre cuando las hormonas de tu placenta bloquean tu habilidad de usar o crear insulina, lo que se necesita para mantener la adecuada cantidad de glucosa en tu sangre.

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gestational diabetes

What is Gestational Diabetes?

What is gestational diabetes? Gestational diabetes is diabetes that is diagnosed while you’re pregnant, according to Cleveland Clinic. Gestational diabetes (or GD) occurs when hormones from your placenta block your ability to use or make insulin, which is what you need to maintain the right amount of glucose in your blood. Typically gestational diabetes can

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How Far Along Am I? How to Determine When You Conceived

How Far Along Am I? How to Determine When You Conceived

When did I conceive?  is one of the most frequently asked questions at ultrasound appointments at The Pregnancy Network. Your provider will generally use the LMP method—the first date of your last menstrual period—to determine how far along you are in your pregnancy. While this is not the date of conception, it is still considered

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What is an Ectopic Pregnancy - ¿Qué es un embarazo ectópico?

¿Qué es un embarazo ectópico?

El embarazo ectópico ocurre cuando el óvulo fecundado se implanta fuera del útero, en vez de adentro de las paredes del útero, de acuerdo con la clínica mayo, los embarazos ectópicos generalmente ocurren en las trompas de Falopio, las cuáles transportan los óvulos fecundados de los ovarios al útero. Esto se llama un embarazo tubárico.

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What is an Ectopic Pregnancy - ¿Qué es un embarazo ectópico?

What Is an Ectopic Pregnancy?

What is an ectopic pregnancy? An ectopic pregnancy occurs when a fertilized egg attaches itself somewhere outside the uterus, instead of to the uterus wall, according to The Mayo Clinic. Ectopic pregnancies typically occur in the fallopian tube, which transports eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. This is called a tubal pregnancy. Sometimes, however,

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