Client Story Archives • The Pregnancy Network

Category: Client Story

Her Story: Kari's Story

La historia Proyecto de Kari

La historia proyecto de Kari ofrece un lugar de inclusión y de solidaridad en las mujeres que caminan en un embarazo no planeado. A veces nosotros atravesamos tiempos muy difíciles en nuestras vidas, y es fácil sentirse solo. La historia proyecto de Kari es una historia para recordar a las mujeres que no se encuentran

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Her Story: Kari's Story

The Her Story Project: Kari’s Story

The Her Story Project offers a place of inclusion and solidarity among women who have walked through an unplanned pregnancy. Sometimes when we go through tough times in our lives, it’s easy to feel isolated. The Her Story Project is one avenue to remind women that they are not alone.  Kari came to The Pregnancy

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Angela's Story

“Ellos solo te cuidaron”: La historia de Angela

Y de repente recibí la noticia de que estaba embarazada. Era una situación muy difícil. Angela descubrió que estaba embarazada y muy poco después de esto la despidieron de su trabajo. Sus opciones se sentían limitadas. A todos los lugares que iba me cerraban las puertas. Angela escuchó acerca de The Pregnancy Network por parte

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Angela's Story

“They just take care of you”: Angela’s Story

All of a sudden I get the news that I am pregnant. It was a very difficult situation.Angela found out she was pregnant, and shortly after, she was let go from her job. Her options felt limited. Every place I went to the doors were closed to me. Angela heard about The Pregnancy Network from

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From Overwhelmed to Blessed: Shakira’s Story

“I’m a full-time student and work full-time, just busy all the time, and then I found out I was pregnant.” Shakira, a mom of 6, was shocked when she found out she was pregnant. “I took like 7 tests.” She was scared.  Shakira already had a lot on her plate. She wasn’t married, and she

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De angustiada a bendecida: La historia de Shakira

“Yo soy una estudiante y trabajadora de tiempo completo, siempre ocupada todo el día y descubro que estoy embarazada.” Shakira, una mamá de 6, estaba conmocionada cuando descubrió que estaba embarazada. “Me hice como 7 pruebas de embarazo.” Ella estaba asustada. Shakira realmente tenía mucho en su plato. No estaba casada y tampoco estaba segura

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Royal's Story

Royal’s Story: Pregnant During a Pandemic

When Royal walked through the front door at The Pregnancy Network, she felt trapped. She felt she had no choice but to get an abortion. Following the recommendation of one of her friends, who also came to us for our services, Royal decided to make an appointment. Royal couldn’t have imagined what would happen next.

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A Client Story

A Moment of Uncertainty: A Client Story

“Are you 100% sure this is the decision you want to make?” Tears began to spill from her eyes, and Haley* swiped at them as she stood. “No,” she said, “but I have to go. I can’t miss this appointment.” Haley walked the short distance across the mobile unit, opened the door, and stepped into

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client story

The Power of Words: A Client Story

The class was over, but Anna lingered. As other couples made their way out the door, Anna approached Meredith, the class instructor, and pulled her into a hug. When Anna pulled back, there were tears in her eyes. “Thank you,” Anna said as she smiled through her tears. “You have no idea how much this

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