Sharing your pregnancy news, especially when your pregnancy was unplanned, can be intimidating. Here are a few tips for sharing with friends and family.
1. Choose someone you trust to share the news with first
Having a friend or family member who can offer verbal support, or even help redirect conversations, can take the pressure off sharing your pregnancy news when you’re at a gathering with family or friends. Talk to that person ahead of time about what would be most helpful.
2. Decide ahead of time what you are comfortable sharing
Before you share your news, take some time to think through what details you are comfortable discussing, and what you aren’t ready to share yet.
If you’re still considering all your options about your pregnancy, is that something you’re open to discussing with your family? Do you want to talk about the father of the baby? You can even write down a list to sort through the information you’re comfortable sharing versus the topics you’d rather keep off-limits.
Taking time to think this through beforehand can help you avoid or redirect topics of conversation you aren’t ready to discuss, so you don’t feel caught off guard.
(These are also great details to tell your person from tip #1!) Remember, it is ok to simply respond to a question by saying, “I’d actually rather not discuss details right now. So what’s going on with you lately?”
3. Go in with a plan
An unplanned pregnancy may feel overwhelming. In fact, it’s completely normal for pregnancy (planned or unplanned) to leave you feeling anxious, and uncertain. Making a plan is a practical way to counteract any anxiety you’re feeling. Even if you’re not sure what decision you plan to make (parenting, adoption, or abortion), you can start by confirming your pregnancy and getting fully informed about each of your options.
At The Pregnancy Network, our registered nurses can provide you a free pregnancy test and same-day* limited ultrasound.
Your nurse will provide you with information about your options and can connect you with resources like our free pregnancy and parenting classes. Our Case Management program can also connect you with resources for immediate needs like housing, food assistance, and other community resources.
Armed with this information, you can approach conversations with friends and family feeling confident and equipped. Showing your loved ones that you’ve taken the steps to consider your options and make a plan for the future can go a long way.
4. Be prepared to show grace
Think back to the moment you first found out you were pregnant. You probably experienced a wave of multiple emotions—joy, fear, hope, and anxiety. You’ve taken the time to process these feelings, but your family is just beginning.
There may be a range of reactions from silence to anger to lots of questions or unsolicited advice. Take a deep breath, do your best to respond with patience, and give your family the space to receive your news.
5. Remember you’re not alone
If you don’t have a family member or friend you feel comfortable sharing your pregnancy news with just yet, that’s okay! You’re not alone. Our team offers compassionate, confidential care and is here to be a sounding board as you make a plan for your next steps.
At The Pregnancy Network, we can help you connect with someone you can trust who will be in your corner throughout your pregnancy.
Several moms have shared that they found community through our free Pregnancy 101 class. The Connect program could also be a great option for you. This program pairs you with a mentor who will be a friend and support system throughout your pregnancy and into parenthood.
Get started here:
*Same-day limited obstetric ultrasound appointments are offered per availability.

Kacey Minor
Kacey is the Communications Manager at The Pregnancy Network.