unplanned pregnancy Archives • The Pregnancy Network

Tag: unplanned pregnancy

Her Story Project

The Her Story Project: La historia de Ashlynn

La historia proyecto ofrece un lugar de inclusión y solidaridad para lasmujeres que están caminando por un embarazo no planeado. Algunasveces cuando atravesamos por momentos difíciles es muy fácil sentirseaislada. La historia proyecto es un lugar para recordarle a las mujeres queellas no están solas. “Una combinación de miedo y presión por personas cercanas a

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Her Story Project

The Her Story Project: Ashlynn’s Story

The Her Story Project offers a place of inclusion and solidarity among women who have walked through an unplanned pregnancy. Sometimes when we go through tough times, it’s easy to feel isolated. The Her Story Project is one avenue to remind women that they are not alone.  “A combination of fear and pressure from some

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Her Story Project

The Her Story Project: Kari’s Story

The Her Story Project offers a place of inclusion and solidarity among women who have walked through an unplanned pregnancy. Sometimes when we go through tough times in our lives, it’s easy to feel isolated. The Her Story Project is one avenue to remind women that they are not alone.  Kari came to The Pregnancy

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Community Resources

S2E3: Navigating Community Resources Together

Olivia Charnetzky is the Case Manager and Client Services Coordinator at The Pregnancy Network. She’s been with us for two years and recently piloted our case management services. This month, she joins host Chloe Belk on Pregnancy Has Entered the Chat to discuss Navigating Community Resources Together.  Olivia’s passion for serving women translates into providing

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Walk for Life

Los 6-pasos a seguir para empoderar a la mujer

Bienvenidos a la Caminata por la Vida (Walk for Life) de The Pregnancy Network donde con su participación nos ayudarán a cerrar la brecha entre las mujeres que están enfrentando sus embarazos no planificados y proveer servicios esenciales como son: cuidados médicos, educación, recursos y mentoría. Como un participante de la Caminata por la Vida

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Walk for Life

The 6-Step Journey to Empower Women

Welcome to The Pregnancy Network’s Walk for Life, where your participation closes the gap between women in the Triad facing unplanned pregnancies and essential services: medical care, education, resources, and mentorship. As a Walk for Life participant, you play a crucial role in helping us achieve our financial goal of $180,000, the funds required to

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empowered in parenting

S2E2: Becoming Empowered in Your Parenting

Leslie Wright first came to The Pregnancy Network during her pregnancy. Today she serves as a volunteer, teaching our free classes. This month, she joins host Chloe Belk on Pregnancy Has Entered the Chat to discuss Becoming Empowered in Your Parenting. Because she’s been on both sides of our services, she has a unique and

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Angela's Story

“They just take care of you”: Angela’s Story

All of a sudden I get the news that I am pregnant. It was a very difficult situation.Angela found out she was pregnant, and shortly after, she was let go from her job. Her options felt limited. Every place I went to the doors were closed to me. Angela heard about The Pregnancy Network from

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