Sanctity of Human Life Sunday • The Pregnancy Network

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday

Standing for Life

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday | January 21, 2024

Celebrating God's Gift of Life

Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is a time when churches throughout the United States celebrate God’s gift of life, commemorate the lives lost to abortion, and commit to protecting life at every stage. 

The church has an opportunity to not only show compassion to those in unplanned pregnancies but also the ultimate hope that is found only in Jesus Christ.

5 Ways You Can Take a Stand for Life:

Gather supplies to drop off at The Pregnancy Network. 

Pray for the women of your city with unplanned pregnancies and the ministries that seek to help them.

Coordinate a baby bottle campaign to benefit The Pregnancy Network. All proceeds go towards helping women in your community to face their unplanned pregnancies without fear. 

Inspire your congregation by sharing Shakira’s story or placing an insert in your bulletin.

Connect with Luke Rosenberger, our Associate Executive Director. He would be happy to answer any questions or thoughts that you may have.

Sanctity of Human Life Resources

5 Tough Truths on Abortion and Your Church in Preparation for Sanctity of Human Life Month
3 Reasons Abortion Is a Gospel Issue
Sanctity of human life
Why The Church's Response To Abortion Matters On Sanctity Of Human Life Sunday