Luke Rosenberger, Author at The Pregnancy Network • Page 9 of 46

Author: Luke Rosenberger


Compassionate Care: Unqualified to Throw Stones

My mind raced back to the things I’m least proud of, and my heart filled with compassion for a woman I’ve never met.  There she was—a woman, alone and ashamed, in the middle of the temple. Not brought there on her own accord, she was likely afraid and certainly at the mercy of the judgment

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Cuidado Compasivo: No cualificado para tirar piedras

Mi mente hizo un recuento de las cosas que estoy menos orgullosa, y mi corazón se llenó de compasión por una mujer  que nunca he conocido. Ahí se encontraba ella-una mujer sola y avergonzada, en medio del templo. Que no fue llevada allí por su propia voluntad, ella estaba asustada y ciertamente a la merced

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madres y padres ser padres

5 Tips From Moms and Dads Who Have Been There

If you just found out you’re pregnant, you may be both overwhelmed and overjoyed when thinking about the journey of parenthood. And that’s okay! It can be a lot to think about all that goes into parenting while also being incredibly excited for the joy new life will bring. We asked seasoned parents what advice

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encontrar tu comunidad

Resources to Help You Find Your Village

If you just found out you’re pregnant, there can be a lot to process. Unsupportive partners, lack of a community, and financial struggles can make an unplanned pregnancy feel impossible. You may be wondering what it would be like to be a parent or whether it’s something you could handle. Let me encourage you. You

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encontrar tu comunidad

Recursos para Encontrar tu Comunidad

Si acabas de descubrir que estás embarazada, entonces hay mucho que procesar. Compañeros que no te apoyan, ausencia de comunidad y problemas económicos pueden hacerte sentir que tu embarazo sea imposible. Puedes estar pensando; cómo es ser madre o si es algo que de verdad puedes realizar. Pero te voy a animar y decirte que

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self-care woman holding mug

4 maneras para practicar el Cuidado Personal

¿Alguna vez has oído, “No puedes sacar nada de una copa vacía”? Bueno eso es cierto. Es una bendición poder estar para las personas que se encuentran en nuestras vidas, ya sea a través de ser padres, de cuidar de un adulto mayor, o de estar ahí para los amigos.  Pero como todo en nuestra

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self-care woman holding mug

4 Ways To Practice Self-Care

Have you ever heard the saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup”? Well, it’s true. It’s a blessing to be there for the people in our lives, whether that’s through parenting, caring for an older family member, or being there for your friends. But, just like anything else in life, caring for others can

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empowering women through holistic care

Compassionate Care: The Living Water We Need

“So the woman left her water jar and went away into town and said to the people, “Come see a man who told me all that I ever did. Can this be the Christ?” John 4:28-29 We all have a water jar. A place we turn to to satisfy our needs, provide security, or fulfill

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