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Tag: abortion

Caralynn's abortion story

Caralynn’s Abortion Story

“I felt like [abortion] was the only option that I had.” Caralynn Vaughn became unexpectedly pregnant at 16, and it turned her world upside down. Her parents forced her to move out, and she stayed in a relationship with her boyfriend. In the years ahead, she had several more abortions.  “I wasted a lot of

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Live Action Speaker

Interview with Alison Centofante of Live Action

Meet Alison Centofante of Live Action Alison Centofante is the Director of External Affairs at Live Action, and we had the privilege of interviewing her on The Empowered Advocate podcast this month. Live Action is a pro-life media movement that exists to bring an end to abortion. In this episode, Alison shares her personal story

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The Church and Abortion

Should the Church Have Anything to Say About Abortion?

Many view abortion as a political issue. If that’s true, then should the church have anything to say about it? How can the church speak honestly about abortion without alienating those who have experienced it? Is abortion a topic that’s optional to speak about within the church? Carter Mundy joins us to discuss this and

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Don't Look Away, Our Response to Abortion

‘Don’t Look Away’: Our Response to Abortion

He came that Saturday morning because his pastor asked him to come. His church was a part of the Love Life prayer walks outside the local abortion facility, but he’d never been until now. To be honest, it never occurred to him to attend. He knew he was “pro-life,” but not much more than that.

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Abortion vs. adoption

Adoption vs. Abortion: Which Choice is Best?

“I could never give my child up for adoption. That’s why I have to have an abortion.” At face value, this seems backwards. How could adoption be a worse outcome than abortion? But many women are convinced that placing their child for adoption—”giving away” their child, as many put it—would be the most unloving option

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Sidewalk Advocacy

Heartbreak and Hope: One Year of Sidewalk Advocacy

The air is thick and heavy. The North Carolina humidity plays a part in that, but here—in this place—there’s something else that accompanies the heaviness. A weightiness. A presence. A tension. Something that feels…wrong.  An abortion facility has that kind of effect.  A Place of Heartbreak In July of 2018, GPCC’s sidewalk advocates stepped foot

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Politics and Abortion

4 Things You Should Know About Politics & Abortion

Crazy Politics The world of politics in America seems crazy, doesn’t it? We’re always hearing the negative things. So and so did this; so and so said that. You’d think it was leading to the downfall of the American Experiment as we know it. It’s kind of always been this way. In 1804, Vice President

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A Client Story

A Moment of Uncertainty: A Client Story

“Are you 100% sure this is the decision you want to make?” Tears began to spill from her eyes, and Haley* swiped at them as she stood. “No,” she said, “but I have to go. I can’t miss this appointment.” Haley walked the short distance across the mobile unit, opened the door, and stepped into

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Defend pro-life position

How to Defend the Pro-Life Position

Engaging with others on the issue of abortion can be an intimidating task. Most everyone–whether pro-abortion or pro-life–has strong feelings about this issue, and understandably so. Is it possible to defend the pro-life position in both a loving and logical way? We believe it is possible, and that is the issue we tackle in our

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Infanticide, Animal Cruelty. Abortion.

Infanticide, Animal Cruelty, and How We’re Confused on Both

I was running through a mental to-do list for the day and enjoying the beautiful sunrise when the word “abortion” sliced through the silence. I cranked the volume on the radio and listened as the show host gave a brief update announcing that today (April 10, 2019) in North Carolina, a senate committee is scheduled

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